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http://dev.buyitc.si/severnica/index.asp - Severnica
http://europa.eu.int/jobs/eures - Eures - European Employment Service
http://iccd.unwe.acad.bg/ - Center for career development in the University for national and world economy
http://jobs.einet.bg - Euro INTEGRA e-Work
http://nrcvg.hrdc.bg - The National Recourse Centre for Vocational Guidance/NRCVG/ is part of the Human Resource Development Centre /HRDC/ in Bulgaria.
http://profesija.lv - Info about career, education and profession
http://sitro.cineca.it/struttue/struttura.html - Italian Universities data base on line
http://www.abonamenti.com/ok - The most famous Bulgarian magazine for education and career
http://www.alliancesabroad.com - Youth programs
http://www.bdp.it - Italian Socrates National Agency
http://www.bia.ro - Recrutare de personal
http://www.careerbabe.com/ - Career Babe
http://www.careerlab.com - CareerLab
http://www.careerseurope.co.uk - Careers Europe
http://www.careersworld.com/ - Careers World
http://www.damngood.com/ - The Damn Good Resume
http://www.estia.educ.goteborg.se - Estia - site on education and labour market, aimed to facilitate mobility within Europe by: increasing the availability of current and suitable information about education, work and labour market increasing the opportunities for guidance counsellors and other experts to build their own networks increasing the competence of guidance counsellors and other experts in the use of IT for guidance increasing the intercultural skills for guidance counsellors and other experts. co-operation between Finland, France, Sweden and UK
http://www.eurojobs.com - Eurojobs.com
http://www.europa-pages.com/au_pair/spanish-family-wanted.html - Au pair in Spain
http://www.geocities.com/icbt_ro - International Constructions Business & Trading
http://www.gov.si/arr - Agencija RS za regionalni razvoj
http://www.hrdc.bg/ - The HRDC organises studies and researches on actual problems in the field of education and training in Bulgaria, on the employment, unemployment and mobility, vocational guidance and counselling, career development, transnational educational co-operation, which are used by the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the National Employment Service, the National Institute of Education, non-government and academic organisations, different professional communities.
http://www.ilsole24ore.com/lavoro - Il Sole 24 ore, Italian economic newspaper
http://www.istruzione.it - Italian Government Department for Education and Training
http://www.jkl.se/careers/default.asp - Manpower Inc. (NYSE: MAN) is a world leader in the employment services industry, offering customers a continuum of services to meet their needs throughout the employment and business cycle. The company specializes in permanent, temporary and contract recruitment; employee assessment; training; career transition and organizational consulting services.
http://www.jobonline.it - Job on line
http://www.lavorare.net - Find a job in Italy
http://www.miur.it - Italian Government Department for University and Research
http://www.navet.government.bg - National agency for vocational education and training
http://www.nie.bg - National Institute of Education
http://www.nva.lv - National Employment Agency
http://www.office-press.com/ - Magazine for work and office
http://www.onix.ro/anunt/anunt.htm - Locuri de munca in Germania
http://www.ostanitu.com - Top Job - Ostani tu 2002, sejem zaposlitvenih moznosti
http://www.rh-bg.com - Working people - Online newspaper for job and education
http://www.rileyguide.com/ - The Riley Guide
http://www.semm.ro - Serviciul Electronic de Mediere a Muncii
http://www.skolutveckling.se/in_english/about.shtml - The task of the Swedish National Agency for School Improvement is to support the local efforts towards the fulfilment of national goals for education and training. The agency initiates and supports local school development and improvement to ensure high quality and equal opportunities for pupils and students. The agency targets pre-school, school and adult education.
http://www.stepstone.se/ - Step Stone, Europes online career and HR partner. StepStone operates Europe's leading online recruitment sites as well as providing complete online solutions for enterprise recruiters. Every day we publish thousands of job opportunities across Europe, and offer recruiters a wide range of products and services to help fill their vacancies with quality people, quickly and efficiently.
http://www.sviluppoitalia.it - Sviluppo Italia
http://www2.jobtrack.com/help_manuals/jobmanual - a step-by –step career planning process.

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